Monday a group of us went to a Utah Flash basketball team. It was okay. I was kind of cranky and stressed, and things weren't going how I wanted them too. But Jeremy brought me the most INCREDIBLE roses, so that helped brighten the evening.
After a week of papers, reading, and homework I was excited to get a call Thursday from my friend Melanie. We met my freshman year of college and shared an apartment my sophomore year. She and our other friend Chelsea were wanting to go up to Rexburg Saturday to go through the newly completed Rexburg Temple before it was closed to the public and dedicated. She invited me to join them.
So Friday night Jeremy and I went to dinner at the Bombay House, an Indian place, delicious. I love Indian food. Then we went the BYU winter chior fest at this beautiful old tabernacle. We had a really fun night together. Afterward I took off and went up to SLC to stay at Melanie's so we could leave early in the morning. We ended up staying up late talking and didn't get much sleep before the trip.
We left around 7:30am and rolled into Rexburg around 11:30 am. We rolled into the parking lot and the guy directing cars was none
other than Christian Bond! He gave me a hug through the
window and then sent us on our way. After much delay we finally made our way through the temple. It was gorgeous. The craftsmanship that went into it was amazing, there was no detail overlooked. We had been going to college in Idaho when they started building so it was neat to see the finished product. My favorite parts were the Celestial room, where you are able to contemplate life after this, reuniting with our Heavenly Father, families, and friends. I also enjoyed the sealing room. There are actually five sealing rooms, and these are the rooms where the LDS marriage ceremony is performed. I just imagined me, one day kneeling at the alter, hands joined with my husband, our families around us, reflecting on the eternal promises we would make with one another and God. I actually got a bit emotional in that room. It was a great experience.
We left around 7:30am and rolled into Rexburg around 11:30 am. We rolled into the parking lot and the guy directing cars was none
Afterward we met up with an old friend, "Jen Dog," Jennifer Doggett, who we knew from school as well. We ate at a Steakhouse, laughed, and caught up. It was an excellent day. After lunch we stopped by Idaho Falls where I ducked into Old Navy to see some old colleagues. Then we drove home, both the trips to and from Rexburg were uneventful, thank goodness. I ended up staying the night in Salt Lake again Saturday night, because, well, I will have to tell you in the next post because I am exhausted! So stay tuned...
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