As the semester draws to an end, I await the comforts of being home for the holidays. In the mean time here are some photos and videos from the semester with a very special video at the end.
Kara's 22nd birthday dinner at the Brazilian restaurant "Tacano's." From left to right, Nathan(someone Kara dates), Me, Kara, Neisah, Kate and Kami (Kara's sister).

After a Masquerade party.

After my new haircut, fierce and ready to say no to Obama.

Kara donning me with the royal helmet in preparation for my initial scooting at this skate park.

Safety first.

Me scooting....yay!
Just for your viewing pleasure.....
(We - Kate, Kara, and I- choreographed this at about 11pm at night and then performed it at about 12:30 pm. Neisah was busy with a boy, but made a guest appearance)