On my beautiful drive home I ran into one brief thunder/rain storm. The sun was just setting and it made for some gorgeous scenery.
My state is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
I had the opportunity to go to Phyllis Smith's (my uncle Gareld's mom) funeral yesterday morning. It was a nice memorial to a woman who lived a good life and is now able to get up out of that wheelchair she was confined to for 19 years. Among other things, funerals give us the chance to remember the things in life that matter.... God, family, friends, and just living.
I easily forget the beautiful simplicity to be found in life. I let the small things and the unsureities roll until this big complicated ball of yarn is all I can see. There's a song that I recently heard that says basically we shouldn't just be happy when we finally reach the top of life's mountains, because life is about the climb.
Yesterday I went to a cheesy movie with my littlest sister, and my now taller than me teenage brother. I sat on my mom's lap in her trusty arm chair. I woke up to the family dog Tobi snuggled up next to my bum. Today I ran by a tractor on the highway. Tomorrow I will sit in a pew at church and remember the sacrifice that allows me to live such a happy and hopeful life, and then sit down with those who love me the most to enjoy a bountiful feast.
Something about coming home has been a renewal and a reminder of the things that truly matter. It puts things in perspective. It allows me to take a deep breath of fresh country air. I hope as we prepare for this Easter sunday we will remember the things that matter most and the sacrifice of our Father's son that allows us to live.
Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
We also went swinging at the park. All the big swings were taken at first so we tried to make due. I predictably got motion sick.
Me killing time while Jordan was in the Priesthood session.
The Rexburg Temple.
We started off to find Mesa Falls, but lost our way and found some Teton Dam site.
Passover dinner with the Satterfield's (they've been to Israel like 100 times, Jordan and I were the only ones at the table who hadn't been, we felt like hosers).
Jordan in his little cap that the Jewish guys where, and me in my thing.
We pass of Jews, yeah?
When we weren't having adventures we were talking about anything and everything. Without going into details I'll give you a few key words:
speedos, fertility, ring of fire, claustraphobia, psycho, humility, faith, snakes, gardening
etc. etc.