I left the snow of Provo for the (shocking) sunshine of Rexburg. Jordan greeted me with a hug. It was weird to think that it had been over three months since I last saw the kid. He tok me to lunch at this Thai placeon Center Street (who knew Rexburg, Idaho was so diversified?).
We had good times doing a bunch of little things in between sessions of General Conference.
We also went swinging at the park. All the big swings were taken at first so we tried to make due. I predictably got motion sick.
Me killing time while Jordan was in the Priesthood session.
The Rexburg Temple.
We started off to find Mesa Falls, but lost our way and found some Teton Dam site.
Passover dinner with the Satterfield's (they've been to Israel like 100 times, Jordan and I were the only ones at the table who hadn't been, we felt like hosers).
Jordan in his little cap that the Jewish guys where, and me in my thing.
We pass of Jews, yeah?
When we weren't having adventures we were talking about anything and everything. Without going into details I'll give you a few key words:
speedos, fertility, ring of fire, claustraphobia, psycho, humility, faith, snakes, gardening
etc. etc.
What a Jewish looking couple, especiallyl Jordan!
surprise! lexy's idea of passing time was taking pictures...of herself! hahaha.
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