Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bruce's Spuds

So, Eric my beloved, was finally able to acquire some work as the harvest season in Eastern Oregon gets going full throttle.

We were both excited because he's been getting very frustrated in the seemingly futile job search. Then I heard the sad news ... he'd be working 6pm to 6am starting in only two days. Which meant not only were we not going to be able to join his sister Elizabeth and her boyfriend Stan on a trip to Portland this weekend, but I'd probably not see him for a few days (which had yet to happen in the last month).

So, in all my maturity, I was cursing harvest.

But, it turns out that having your boyfriend's boss also preside over our single's branch in Church has its perks.

I was invited out to the fields whenever I felt so inclined.

In the few hours I've spent in the dusty darkness watching potato after potato going into truck after truck on their way to Southeast Asia, I've become intrigued and measurably less bitter.

And here be DeMarcus - working hard for the bacon, er...potato?
Not to mention I was rewarded for all my pain and suffering with a large bag of free, fresh potatoes.

Thanks Farmer Ford!
(also know as President Bruce Ford of the Butter Creek Branch)

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