Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rocks and Mountains and Lakes

We went on our first little family camp trip. It lasted a mere 21 hours, but it was one for the history books. We had fun, except for the whole part where Ella woke up several times in the night crying and would take 15 minutes to quiet back down (sorry to everyone else at Anthony Lake - however, you only paid $8 - $12 to stay there, so what did you expect?).  Ella also scared away all the fish when we sat by the lake to watch them jump up and eat bugs on the surface. Apparently she didn't think it was as entertaining. She also decided to eat her first handful of dirt. 

The photos are prime, so here we go. 

Ella loved the tent, in the day time. 

I forgot a sunhat, so we made do, with a do-spit-rag.

The ski resort. 

E also enjoyed reading books back at camp.
Where's Lexy?

Happy face. 


My favorite shot of the trip! Hot! 

By the campfire.

Morning owl.

She was so happy, she couldn't hold her hands still! 

It was okay, maybe we'll try again next summer, when she's a year older and a better sleeper, too! 

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