Friday, October 3, 2008


You know those moments in life where you finally feel like everything you do everyday is finally worth it, and someone else knows?

Small moments of validation have come to me this week.

One came from my mom, in a letter of reccommendation she wrote as my summer employer. I am sure she exaggerated my great qualities, but it still made me feel great! Knowing that my mom thought these things might actually be at least partially true.... In particular, this phrase, "She exemplifies the best of young adults today," that's saying a lot!

Another moment came Tuesday when I was asked to first, come to the College Republicans' executive board meeting, and then while at the meeting asked to be the "Oregon Lady," in charge of an upcoming campaiging trip to Bend, Oregon. It told me that my small efforts in regards to the Colorado trip (even though I was forbidden to go) were noticed and appreciated...the calling, the organizing, the meetings, the arranging for the van, etc.

Yesterday I was handed back my resume' and letter of intent sample for my English 315 class. I was given a 96 and 98 respectively. I had one major error on my resume', assitant instead of assistant, but she said everything else was so great she didn't dock me down much.

Then, today, I was handed back my first article from my Newswriting class lab. I had been nervous because I thought, wow, if I do real crummy on these article, but I love journalism, what am I to do? Well, I got a 19 out of 20. From the cheering up the TA had to do for the class today about our next articles, I take it not everyone did so great. So, I've been reassured that maybe I can do well at this stuff. We'll see though...I just wrote another article that I am not sure is gonna fare so well.

Anyway, I know we should just live our lives and do the best we can because we should, but it is nice to be validated in our talents, traits, and efforts from time to time.

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Glad that your week went well and that you feel like you are moving in the right direction. I am sure that your mom did not over-exaggerate anything in her letter of recommendation.
Congrats on your achievements this far in the groups that you involved in and in your classes. Have a good weekend.