Friday, January 16, 2009

Stressed, Sick, and Nervous

Hmmm....Here is my week recap.

Monday: Class and errands, plus HE (that's home evening, our stake doesn't want us to call it FHE anymore....not sure why). Only stayed for a song, prayer, thought and introductions. Went to the gym, got in a good workout, which has turned out to be my only one.

Tuesday: Full day of classes, plus Elder Holland came and spoke for Devotional. It was a really powerful talk. He talked about Lot's wife, and how when she looked back at Sodom she was disolved into a pillar of salt. He then went on to talk about not living in the past, forgiving others, and forgiving ourselves. I also was working frantically on magnets for the College Republicans social the next night. Then I met up with a bunch of people for dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. My old roommate Michelle was having a 23rd birthday gathering. It was good food (expensive little splurge though!), and good company. I then stayed up til 1am working on putting the magnets together. Kara was nice enough to help out.

The girls of North Downs #3, Michelle, Erin, and Me!

Wednesday: I had class in the morning. Then I went skiing up at Sundance for a few hours. Came back and had to get ready for the Winter Semester Opening Social for the CR's. We had 75 Little Ceasar's pizzas, t-shirt sales, music and mingling. It was a good gathering. I then came home and worked on my program application to get into the Print Journalism emphasis.

Thursday: Went to my morning class, came back feeling sicklish. I drank some herbal tea, did some homework and then went to my first afternoon class. I felt so sick I came home afterward. It got progressively worse from there. I had a fever, my head hurt, I was cold/hot, runny nose, sneezing, earaches, nausea. I couldn't really function, so I watched about 3 hours of CSI, Gilmore Girls, and Grey's anatomy. I took four advil and at around 10pm my fever finally broke. I then worked on my application with Kara for about 2 hours.

Friday: Slept til after nine. Didn't go to my morning class. Put finishing touches on my application. Ate a few a tortilla, and vanilla ice cream. Took a shower, and thought I was feeling pretty good. I went up to the school to print off my application and turn it it. I felt so terrible! I made it home and decided that I was never allowed to go outside again. I've just been achey all day. Don't really have a fever. Don't really have an appetite. Sneezy, runny nose. Headache. Luckily I'm not really nauseated, but I would never eat meat at this point in my illness. Now I've just been sitting/lying around. My dear roommate Kate is in massage therapy school and practice some foot relexes basically I got a foot massage. Thanks Kathryn! I have reading to do, but other than that, I think I will just settle in and watch What Not to Wear. Kara went down to southern Utah for the weekend to visit family, so I have my room to myself for a few days.

Anyway, there's the recap. I should know if I get in the Print App program by February 13th. Hopefully this little flu thing goes away soon so I can get back to the gym and to skiing.

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