Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scenes from a Weekend

It's been a fabulous and fairly lazy 3 day weekend.

It started with hands down the best New Year's Eve I've had in my 23 years.

Love bug and I started Friday morning off right ... with french toast smothered in peanut butter along with hash browns flavored with bacon. Mom could smell it all the way in Boardman, so she swung by and ate with us. Then we took the dead dead deader than a doorknob Christmas tree, threw it in the back of Ma's truck and hauled it to a suspiciously unsupervised tree recycling pile down at the park.

After hours of "How I Met Your Mother" season 1, we readied ourselves for the evening and hit the much anticipated (by Eric) Tron Legacy 3D showing. Eric said it was "epic," me? Well, I fell asleep....

Afterwards we hit up Eric's parents house, ate some birthday cake (his Grandma McFadden is a New Year's Eve baby) and played a few games.

We picked up some Chinese take-out and spent the rest of the evening in our cozy apartment. Toasted with some Martinelli's, watched the ball drop, kissed my cutie as Mariah Carey sang "Auld Lang Syne" and fireworks erupted outside... it was pretty ideal.

As we young guns are unaccustomed to staying up past midnight, we slept in rather late for us on the first day of 2011. We we outrageously lazy, taking in a lot of college football and capping the night with a little "Cinderella Man."

Today was our first Sunday with church at 9am. We actually really liked the earlier time compared to our 3pm singles branch time or 1pm the last couple of months. The meetings were all great. The Spirit was felt, we were renewed and inspired and we always come away from church with a greater appreciation and love for each other and our marriage.

We put in some scalloped potatoes to bake and headed off for a Sunday drive. The day was beautiful, we were almost kidding ourselves into thinking Spring was on its way. Then we stepped outside and the 26 degree high slapped us back into winter's reality. Oh well, we can dream.

(we came upon this city in our journeying)
(the two headed plaid monster)

Hope your weekend was swell and dandy. I'm already missing mine!


flylikeabird said...

Aww you wore the same plaid! Cute. Glad your new year started off great.

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