Monday, February 28, 2011


My littlest bro entered the waters of baptism this last Saturday. I am so proud of him. It was only a few years ago he terrified the missionaries serving in our ward by telling them he didn't believe in God or Jesus and that he probably wasn't going to get baptized (this coming from a six year-old). A little while back, he got up in sacrament meeting and bore a sincere little testimony. Oh how they grow.

When we arrived at the church (only about 10 minutes before the scheduled 6pm), no chairs were set up and the baptismal font wasn't filled. I guess the way the water works at the church, if you want warm water you have to start filling up the font hours before. Eli was a trooper though. Right after going under, he popped up and said, "Refreshing!!"

(My mom was frowning, she said, because I said to. Wish I would've realized a lot sooner how easily swayed she is by my charm and good sense. Also, I think this picture proves that Max is now taller than his dad. And he's still 14. Whew!)

I was very proud of my littlest brother. It was a nice, simple baptism and the Spirit was there. I was also proud of Elmer (old man Eric) for so willingly playing the piano on no notice and for joining in on Eli's confirmation.
(This photo is funny on so many levels - had to include it contrary to my first instincts.)

Afterward we played some friendly, family b-ball. We're all very talented and the score was SO high I can't even remember it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...


Your baby brother (I'm impressed by the age difference!) is a delight.